Mollie Meeks Art & Design

Mollie Meeks
Artist + graphic Designer

Born in Denver, CO and raised in St. Louis, MO, Mollie spent her early years dreaming of being an artist when she grew up. By high school, she was enjoying weekly art classes outside of school and was captivated by art history.

Mollie worked professionally as a designer and in marketing in the corporate world before venturing on her own in 2012. Since beginning as a freelancer, she has explored her love for print design, painting, and calligraphy/lettering.

In recent years, she has returned to one of her first loves in the arts, painting. Her contemporary compositions are influenced and inspired by personal experience, the natural world around her, and travel. Mollie’s process has become intuitive to create abstract layers and movement.

Based in Denver, CO.

Hourly design rate available upon request.


Bachelor of Fine Art, emphasis in Graphic Design,
minors in Art History & Marketing from The University of Tulsa.

Photo by Kelly Dudash